Michael Kolain
Michael Kolain studied Law in Heidelberg and Istanbul. He currently works as a Research Associate and Coordinator in the department for Digital Transformation of the German Research Institute for Public Administration. He is particulary interested in regulatory questions that come along with new digital technologies such as Blockchain, AI or Robotics. He has been collaborating closely with computer scientists and hopes to one day find a common language between the two disciplines.
Privacy Enhancing Technology and the Right to be Forgotten
At first glance it seems obvious: An immutable blockchain cannot forget and thus not comply with data protection law. Therefore, the right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR) seems like the almighty boss that no DLT-system can defeat to many lawyers. But what does it mean to “erase” personal data in complex digital ecosystems? The presentation will give a tour d’horizon through legal terminology and seek for technical measures that lead to “erasure” without having to make a DLT-system unfunctional.
Conference on Blockchain & GDPR, Berlin, November 26th, 2019, 9:30am – 6:00pm