David Saive

David Saive studied Law at the University of Hamburg. Currently he is working as Research Associate for Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Jürgen Taeger at the University of Oldenburg on the edge of Maritime and IT-law. He is responsible for the governmental-founded research project HAPTIK (www.haptik.io), that tries to implement blockchain in maritime to overcome paperbased trade. He has published numerous publications on digitisation in maritime law and blockchain.

Permissioned Blockchains – who is the Controller?

At the first glimpse, it seems clear: Blockchains are decentralized, while private Blockchains are centralized networks. Thus, GDPR seems easy to apply. The central instance of a private Blockchains must be the controller of the network. But is it that simple? It could also be a joint controllership between the central instance and the nodes of the network. Or is there even no control by the central instance at all?

Conference on Blockchain & GDPR, Berlin, November 26th, 2019, 9:30am – 6:00pm