Jörn Erbguth

Jörn Erbguth is a consultant on blockchain, smart contracts and data protection. He holds majors in computer science and law. Jörn is currently researching governance of blockchains and smart contracts at the University of Geneva. He also lectures at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and the University of Geneva. At the Geneva Macro Labs, he serves as Head of Technology Insights. He is a member of the Focus Group on DLT at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Study Group 16 WG 22, DIN SPEC 4997 Privacy by Blockchain Design and a board member of the EDV-Gerichtstag. He regularly publishes about Blockchain & GDPR e.g. Five Ways to GDPR-Compliant Use of Blockchains (EDPL 2019, 427) or Datenschutzkonforme Verwendung von Hashwerten auf Blockchains (MMR 2019, 654) (please contact him directly if you wish to obtain a personal copy of these papers). He operates also the GDPR Quick Check for Blockchain based applications.

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Public Blockchains – Can there be a System without a Controller?

A public blockchain is designed in a way, that neither miners nor nodes should be able to influence the transaction written to a blockchain. Does this mean, that only the user signing a transaction with her private key should be considered to be the controller?

Are Hashes of Personal Data also considered Personal Data?

When are hash-values of personal data still considered personal data. A detailed analysis of hash-functions, when their use as fingerprints render them anonymous and when it does not.

Conference on Blockchain & GDPR, Berlin, November 26th, 2019, 9:30am – 6:00pm